BEAN Bakery

A taste of home kitchen 

The story of

Bean Bakery 

Established in 2021, Bean Bakery always wants to bring the flavor of the kitchen to diners through cakes and teabreak services.

The Bean Bakery

that's where our the taste of the home kitchen,

and delicious cakes are baked for your family.

Bạn có thể tham khảo các loại bánh lẻ của Chúng Tôi tại link "Bean Shop Online " sau nhé.

Bean Shop Online

Products and services

Busy breakfast

Life is inherently too busy and complicated. Simplify your start of each day with BEAN bakery's energetic breakfast.

Teabreak/ Teabox

Deadlines, plans... Put everything aside. Let's enjoy a delicious piece of cake of BEAN Bakery.

Daily cake

These are cakes that you can eat at any time. You just need to order at BEAN Bakery online, the delivery is left to me.

Our Teabreaks

Our Products

Our Customers